

Major changes:

  • Added stickydesign2 (used internally by alhambra)


Major changes:

  • Rearranged energetics. There are now three energetics classes:
    • EnergeticsOld: this is the old energetics class (energetics_santalucia)
    • EnergeticsBasic: this is an energetics class, based on energetics_daoe, which assumes that we know nothing about anything adjacent to the sequences. This likely makes the most sense for toeholds, or as a base for creating your own classes. It uses the new ‘S’ ‘end’ type, which is really just a sequence.
    • EnergeticsDAOE: this is an improved version of energetics_daoe. It makes the most sense for sticky ends for DAO-E tiles.
  • Added the multimodel module, which contains an endchooser that tries to optimize for multiple energetics classes at once.
  • Added documentation!


  • Fixed various installation issues in both Python 2 and Python 3.
  • Removed auto-import of multimodel, which requires Python 3.
  • Fixed examples in the README.


  • Include ∆S parameters and thus temperature dependence for internal single-base mismatches, from Allawi 97 + 98 (4 papers in total) and Peyret 99.